Mifumi Health Centre

Mifumi Health Centre specialises in women’s health services such as maternity, family planning, ante-natal, post-natal and the joyous occasion of delivering healthy babies.  Additionally, we offer services for out-patients, laboratory, childhood vaccination, in-patient, prevention and HIV services.      We focus on diseases that are preventable and easily treated allowing us to impact on the maximum number of people.  

Mifumi Health Centre caters for the rural population who are very poor.  Our out-patient adult fee was about $1 but many found difficulty in affording this so we decided to offer the consultation for free. Other funds for running the facility come from the Uganda Ministry of Health through Results Based Financing (RBF) and Primary Health Care (PHC) grants.  However, most of running costs come from donations.

 We are monitored for the quality of our health services by the Tororo District Medical Office and have a formal assessment by the District health team every quarter.


The total number of patients per day is about 205 patients which includes ante-natal, deliveries, post-natal, vaccinations, family planning, laboratory and outpatients.

Mifumi Health Centre does not only cater for the immediate neighbourhood of about 6,000 people, it caters for a total population of about 30,000 people and acts as a referral centre for the surrounding lower level health centres.  Patients walk long distances to access our services ignoring other health facilities on the way.

Since opening in 2001 we have treated over 150,000 Out-patients. 

It costs just $2.76 for us to treat one patient.  For us to treat a mother in our maternity ward we need trained midwives, medical supplies, cleaning materials and drugs to name but a few.

Please consider making a regular donation to MIFUMI to support this vital work.

Regulatory Bodies

We are a UK Registered Charity No. 1038785 and MIFUMI is a registered NGO in Uganda, permit number 3834.  Financial reports are submitted to the UK Charities Commission and Audited Accounts sent to the Uganda Registration Bureau.  We are registered with UK’s Fundraising Regulator.

Mifumi Health Centre is registered with the Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council.